CLIPLIB Release 1 -- November 5, 1993 `````` What is CLIPLIB? `````` ________________________________________________________________________ CLIPLIB is a Freeware clip art library for use with CorelDRAW!. The artwork is copyrighted by the original artists, but released for public use in accordance with this disclaimer file. Although in the proprietary .CDR CorelDRAW! format, the images can be easily translated to PCX, TIFF, and many other file formats. In their present, .CDR state, they are high resolution, completely scalable and easily modified. `````` Artists featured in Release 1 `````` ________________________________________________________________________ Marie Krisko, K.T. Stutz, Michael Stutz. `````` How do I use CLIPLIB? `````` ________________________________________________________________________ Experienced CorelDRAW! users will recognize the .CLB and .CLH files as CorelDRAW! libraries. Again, in their present state, they can only be used on an MS-DOS machine with Windows and CorelDRAW!, version 2.0 or higher. Simply copy the files onto your hard drive. Using the MOSAIC library program that came with CorelDRAW!, load up the library of your choice. When you see an image that you want to use in your publication, highlight it, and then choose Extract from the File menu. MOSAIC will ask you where you want to put the extracted file, and then a copy of it will be decompressed and written to your hard drive. Then, in CorelDRAW!, choose Import from the File menu, and choose the file. From there, the image could be exported into any file format that CorelDRAW! supports, including the popular PCX and TIFF formats. I chose to release them in their original CorelDRAW! forms rather than the other, more accessible ones, for a couple of reasons: this is the highest quality possible for the images, they're totally modifiable, giving the user the most amount of freedom, and finally, they take up less space than bulky PCX and TIFF files would have. `````` So, what's the catch? `````` ________________________________________________________________________ This section may seem like common sense to some people, but I have to put it in anyway. Economists have this saying -- it goes, There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch -- TANSTAAFL for short. Well, it's kinda true. Yes, you may use these images for whatever you'd like, and are under no obligation to pay any money -- they're absolutely free. The catch? The drawings are copyrighted, and may NOT be distributed in any modified form (this includes adding or deleting things from the library). They can be modified, deleted, or added to for your personal use, but distribution HAS to include the whole darn thing AND this disclaimer. Also, I'm not responsible for anything bad you do with this clip art. If it causes you, your neighbor or someone at the other end of the world any harm due to use, misuse, or negligence on your or anyone else's part, tough. Use at your own risk. `````` Distribution list `````` ________________________________________________________________________ There's three libraries in CLIPLIB1: FACES, NATURE and STUFF. Each library should have both a .CLB and .CLH file -- so, you should get seven files in total: the six files for the three libraries, plus this CLIPLIB1.TXT file. Following is a listing of each of the three libraries. FACES acid01, bucko, coffee01, dollie, dunce, eye01, eye02, face01, face02, flapper, ghost01, grrl01, hatman, horns, lips01, mask01, suit, tiki, whoo. NATURE apple, bat01, bee, bfly01, bloom, cloud, fish01, fish02, flower01, flower02, flower03, holly, oink, punkin, shell01, snake, sun01, vase, xmas01 STUFF anarky, bottle01, candle01, clock, glass01, heart01, heart02, heart03, idea, key, peace, pills, safetpin, umbrella Oh, and one more thing. This is free, use happily without guilt, etc. But, should you have any questions, comments, etc., I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to email me at Custom drawings and company logos done by request. Donations can be sent to: Michael Stutz; P.O. Box 542; Berea, OH 44017-0542. Every dollar helps and encourages the creation of more of this stuff.